Sunday, April 5, 2009


I like animals. I could be a pet person. When I was growing up, a pet was something that my dad didn't allow. Every time we'd bring it up, he's start shaking his head, firmly, and there was no use trying to argue.

I was (and probably still am, I don't know if this trait can change) a cat person. My highschool girlfriend's aunt had a cat with a new litter, and I was about to graduate. We had the perfect plan. My dad wouldn't allow us to look around and choose a pet, but maybe, just maybe, if I was given one as a gift, well...we should be gracious, shouldn't we?

The plan wasn't very subtle, I'm afraid. Dad knew right away when the "present" was given that it was, in fact, a plan. He was mad--I tried to trick him--but.... I'm fairly certain my dad is a pet person, too. We kept it for a couple of days, because not accepting was bad. I named him Norman--a little white kitten with black patches. And dad warmed to the kitten, and the situation. It seems the biggest hindrance to having a pet was getting it in the house.

Norman is long gone, but since he was introduced, my parents and siblings have had two other cats and a dog. By the way, if you're reading this, sibs--you're welcome. Dad obviously liked having the animals around, no matter how much care they needed. It's nearly impossible dislike a kitten or puppy, and when they've grown into cats and dogs, they've grown -with you-, so they're still okay.

My girlfriend has a cat. It's signature trait seems to be "fearful." She doesn't interact with the roomates' cats very well. And we're thinking of getting a place together. And I'm thinking that a great excuse to get a pet would be to help my girlfriend's cat. A kitten would help her interact with other cats. It's really a favor we'd be doing--a gift for the cat, not a pet specifically for me. Honest.

And there are other possibilities. I've been thinking for years that it might be nice to have a rat for a pet. I've heard a surprisingly large amount of good things about rats as pets--that they're smart, they bond well with owners, they make better conversation pieces. I'm not sure how they'd deal with a cat, though. I'd hate to come home to find the rat flattened by a giant hammer, and the cat had been tricked through a cheese-grater.

I like the potential fierce-ness of kittens and cats. The extra-sharp playfulness that they have for most of their lives. It was fun trying to come in under Norman's defenses, but I learned to wear protective gloves. Can a rat be that fun? More reading might be needed. Also, I like cheese alot. I don't know if I can handle the competition.


1 comment:

  1. My biggest concern with rats is that they live such a short time. Chinchillas, on the other hand... Well, if you care, ask me.
