Monday, July 5, 2010

Making Things Look Better.

So, I got restless sitting here, trying to think of what to write about. I have the day off, decided to hit the library and work a little on my web-presence...but I was coming up with nothing I wanted to say. So, I decided to play with the new layout templates from Blogger, and make this a little more pleasant to the eye.

I had a handful of websites before, starting with good old Geocities. I had personal sites, and I even webmastered for the church choir I ended up directing. Back then, I actually bothered messing around with HTML. I'm not a web-design pro, but I like to think I have a fairly clever, if untrained, eye. So, if you tune in at all, please comment and tell me what you think. Suggestions are welcome, but remember--I really like black, so I'm probably not going to give on that.

I also think I'm a fair hand at designing superhero costumes. I realize that I seem to think I'm decently good at all these things that have tools to help people design a good look, but...well, when my Champions Online account becomes active again, I'll put up screenshots or something.

Now to go find my old MySpace page and make it not suck before anyone reads this and uses it as evidence against me.


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